3DEEP RF Technology

As a very effective solution for many of your aesthetic concerns, 3DEEP RF technology has the advantage of being based in solid science and proven by leading dermatologists worldwide. Patented 3DEEP technology regenerates collagen, the skin's basic structural building block, smoothing wrinkles, improving the appearance of cellulite and tightening skin all over the body.
3DEEP RF technology works by delivery heat energy to where your skin can most effectively use it to regenerate itself, both in the deeper and in the more superficial layers of your skin. The heat energy stimulates your body's natural healing process, causing both the growth of new collagen and the strengthening of the existing collagen.
In attacking the appearance of cellulite and body contouring, 3DEEP RF heat energy helps shrink fat cells and speeds fat metabolism, causing a smoother appearance of localized fat deposits. It can be used to treat many body areas, including those that are not normally treatable by other means.
As solutions with both immediate visual improvement and longer term effects - depending on the type of treatment you select - 3DEEP RF treatments will leave you with :
Smoother skin that has better tone and texture
An improved appearance
A smoother body contour
An improvement in acne scars
Fewer wrinkles
A reduction in skin laxity